[tigger.stcloud.msus.edu] LESIKAR Lesikar, Arnold V. LESIKAR not logged in Last login Mon 6-Jun-94 10:14PM-CDT Plan: PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE NEWS SERVERS (Last Update 3/14/94) Many sites seem to have closed down since my last update. :( Currently only one U.S. site still remains accessible. I am sorry about that people, but I have no control over how the site administrators decide to run their servers. We have lost several Gopher news sites as well, but still 29 sites remain that provide news service through Gopher. (NOTE: 3/24/94 - the last U.S. site has just closed. You can try sol.ctr.columbia.edu, but I am told that this site allows only 15 connections at one time. In fact I have never succeeded in connecting to it. Reportedly it does allow posting.) These sites have been found to be available to the general public for NNTP service through port 119. You will need Newsreader software to make use of these sites. These sites were found to be open at the time they were surveyed, but I make no guarantees about future access. News administrators are free to close off sites to the public at any time. I will remove any site from this list that asks to be removed. I have not surveyed what is available at each of these sites. Please do not overload these sites looking for pornography. The administrators of these sites have been notified about this list, and they are unlikely to make prurient material available to the public. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE A GUEST IN MAKING USE OF THESE FACILITIES. The news adminstrators who support open access to the Usenet News are voluntarily doing a service for the public. PLEASE SHOW GRATITUDE FOR THEIR EFFORTS BY NOT ABUSING THE ACCESS THAT IS PROVIDED! Please remember also that you can also use Gopher to access the Usenet news. After the list of news servers, I have included bookmarks for sites that provide access through Gopher for reading the news. - arnold v. lesikar lesikar@tigger.stcloud.msus.edu news.belwue.de, (read only) news.fu-berlin.de, (posting OK) news.uni-hohenheim.de, (read only) news.uni-stuttgart.de, SEE NOTICE BELOW! newsserver.rrzn.uni-hannover.de, (posting OK) nic.belwue.de, (read only) shakti.ncst.ernet.in, (posting OK) Notice from the news administration of news.uni-stuttgart.de [please note the access policy & information below] - allows *read-only* access on port 119, - anon-nfs access to news.uni-stuttgart.de:/news and news.uni-stuttgart.de:/news/spool/news and, finally, to news.uni-stuttgart.de:/news/archive [our news archive]. - telnet access: rusinfo.rus.uni-stuttgart.de, login info, select menu item 1 (shell access), and to change to /pub/soft/comm/news/. cd spool/news for the spool dir, look around to watch a full-blown news server running 8-) - anon-ftp access: ftp info2.rus.uni-stuttgart.de:/pub/comm/news/*, same tree as via telnet access. - ftpmail access: ftpmail@info2.rus.uni-stuttgart.de, same as ftp access above - fsp access: info2.rus.uni-stuttgart.de, port 21, directory /comm/news - X.25 access (now, thats it ! 8-) to NUA (WIN, Datex-P): 0262 45050 367111 NUA (EuropaNet): 0204 3623 367111 - There is some way for decnet access. I don't know how this works. Good luck ! (quick'n'dirty) access policy: news.uni-stuttgart.de is a RS6000 with 128 MB RAM, FDDI interface, and a few Gigabytes disk (10, soon 15 8-). Its also our campus anon-ftp server. Its running inn-1.4. There are a few special hierarchies (e.g. russian, japanese, french etc), but no alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.*, alt.sex.* and some other groups the university administration was not able to allow, please don't waste your time trying. Do not abuse this service. If You want to use our nntp service on a regular basis, please contact news-adm@news.uni-stuttgart.de so that we *know* who You are and why You use our server. This helps us to defend the open access policy [and we've seen hard times ...]. We will disable any domain without further notice if we have problems with it. -------------------------- BOOKMARKS TO SITES PROVIDING GOPHER ACCESS TO USENET. You can edit this list and include whatever parts are of interest in the bookmark file for your Gopher client. Alternatively you can point your client directly at the site. On a UNIX system, for example, you could point your Gopher client at the La Tech Usenet site with the command gopher -p '1/Usenet News' aurora.engr.latech.edu 70. The general format for the command in Unix is gopher -p 'PATH' host_name port# You cannot post news articles via Gopher. However, it is possible to post news articles by mail through the University of Texas. You must remember in using this service that the periods in the newsgroup name are all changed to hyphens. So, to post an article to the newsgroup "alt.beer," for example, you would e-mail your article to the following address: alt-beer@cs.utexas.edu. To post to the newsgroup "comp.os.vms," you would e-mail to comp-os-vms@cs.utexas.edu. # Type=1 Name=USENET News (from Lousisiana Tech) Path=1/Usenet News Host=aurora.latech.edu Port=70 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (from Michigan State University) Path=nntp Host=gopher.msu.edu Port=4320 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (from Walla Walla College) Path=news Host=saturn.wwc.edu Port=4320 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (San Diego Supercomputer Center) Path=1/News/Usenet Host=milo.sdsc.edu Port=70 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (from University of Wyoming) Path=nntp Host=rodeo.uwyo.edu Port=71 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (from Los Alamos) Path=nntp Host=info-server.lanl.gov Port=4320 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (from Florida State) Path=nntp Host=gopher.fsu.EDU Port=4320 [3/31/94 - Florida State site reported CLOSED] # Type=1 Name=Usenet News (from Universite Catholique de Louvain) Path=1/info.sc/tech/srv.ext/news Host=ifdh.sc.ucl.ac.be Port=70 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (from Tampere University of Technology, Finland) Path=nntp Host=butler.cc.tut.fi Port=6671 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (from Hannover Uni, Germany) Path=nntp Host=newsserver.rrzn.uni-hannover.de Port=4320 # Type=1 Name=Usenet News Reader (University of Manchester) Path=nntp Host=info.mcc.ac.uk Port=4320 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (Osnabruek Uni, Germany) Path=nntp Host=gopher.rz.uni-osnabrueck.de Port=4320 # Type=1 Name=Usenet News (from Erlangen Uni, Germany) Path=nntp Host=cd4680fs.rrze.uni-erlangen.de Port=4320 # Type=1 Name=Usenet News (from Universite du Quebec a Montreal) Path=nntp Host=infopub.uqam.ca Port=4320 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (University of Canberra, Australia) Path=nntp Host=services.canberra.edu.au Port=4320 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (from Cranfield Institute of Technology, UK) Path=nntp Host=gopher.cranfield.ac.uk Port=4324 # Type=1 Name=Usenet News (from Birmingham University, UK) Path=1/Usenet Host=gopher.bham.ac.uk Port=70 # Type=1 Name=Usenet News (from Technische Universitaet Clausthal, Germany) Path=1/Internet/News Host=solaris.rz.tu-clausthal.de Port=70 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (Internat'l Centre for Theoret. Physics, Trieste) Path=1/news Host=gopher.ictp.trieste.it Port=70 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (from Tartu University, Taiwan) Path=nntp Host=gopher.ccu.edu.tw Port=4320 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (from Universitaet Linz, Austria) Path=nntp Host=gopher.edvz.uni-linz.ac.at Port=4320 # Type=1 Name=Usenet News (Prague University of Economics, Czech Republic) Path=1/news Host=pub.vse.cz Port=70 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (from Rhodes University, South Africa) Path=nntp Host=gopher.ru.ac.za Port=4324 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (from University of New South Wales, Australia) Path=nntp Host=usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU Port=4320 # Type=1 Name=USENET News (Universitat Jaume I, Spain) Path=nntp Host=gopher.uji.es Port=4320 # Type=1 Name=USENET news (from Palacky University, Czech Republic) Path=nntp Host=risc.upol.cz Port=4320 # Type=1 Name=USENET NEWS (from Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain) Path=.news/ Host=mirzam.ccc.upv.es Port=70 # Type=1 Name=NETNEWS (from osiris.wu-wien.ac.at) Path=1/.nn Host=olymp.wu-wien.ac.at Port=70